Wednesday, September 13, 2006



Dear Brother Dave,
May you be bless upon receiving this mail. The congregation would like to Thank-you for your dedication to the people of Haiti; they always still ask me,” Pastor, when is the white guy coming back?”, and I always ask them, “why you want him to come back?.” Their answer would be, “Because his message was a blessing and a Father teaching to us.” Others tell me, “His message is leading us in the way of Salvation.”

Brother Dave, we are waiting for you; we are hungry for your return to come and bless us once more at the Tabernacle of Praise.

We have been talking on the phone about the Leadership Conference in the end of October, as we propose to feed the leaders who come. In our congregation no one is truly gainfully employed. Each person has to eek out a living at pennies a day. There are no free schools here. In order to have the church’s leadership people able to come and be in the conference all day, we must feed them two meals if the conference is to meet with success. They want to come. They are most grateful for the conference and at this point know nothing about our proposal to feed them. Because of the economy here, if we cannot feed them, we will lost about half of them from being able to come.

We pray that God will make a way where there is no way, Brother Dave, because nothing is impossible for our Heavenly Father. As you are knocking door to door and seeking help, we are on our knees here.

Pastor Ecclesias Donatien
Pastor Ecclesias “high-fives” the little boy and says, “God gives good gifts, Brother Dave. Meet my son; he is God’s gift to the Tabernacle. The Mother asked if the ladies at the Church compound could watch her baby for one hour while she went to the doctor. She never returned!” The baby is now three years old. Pastor named him “Taberneau”.
Pastor Ecclesias checks the sound system as he walks through the “altar area” of the sanctuary during the afternoon.

Intercession for those who will soon come and fill these seats is an important part of the ministry. Intercession teams station themselves under the platform and under the seating of the arena during every service, praying for souls and God’s anointing.

Worship is powerful at Tabernacle of Praise. I am inspired by the little girl in the lower left hand corner of the picture.
Why Is This Effort Crucial At This Time?

Haiti population is 8.3 million. Nearly 1 million are in Cap-Haitian
70% are unemployed
48% are illiterate
85% are Catholic and 90% are Voodoo active (This says a great deal about the compromise of the Catholic church in Haiti)
No wonder Haiti is the poorest and most densely populated country in the Western Hemisphere
Life expectancy is 52 years
42% do not have free access to potable water
TABERNACLE OF PRAISE CHURCH is a “Holy Spirit” anointed ministry with a regular attendance of 7,000 to 11,000; the largest church in Haiti.

It is quite obvious God has raised up Pastor Ecclesias Donatien and his staff for a time such as this in Haiti. Though religiously oriented, Haiti is virtually spiritually destitute and in need of a clear presentation of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This ministry has the vision to bring Christ and Spiritual maturity to the entire nation.

It is becoming apparent; AbbaQuest Ministries has been chosen to be an instrument of the Lord to bring depth to this ministry, whose quick growth has caused it to be a “mile wide and an inch deep”. Teaching Leadership Conferences spaced out through the years before us, AbbaQuest can take teams of teachers to the church compound and help the over 500 leaders to grow in the Word of God and be prepared to reproduce Tabernacle of Praise throughout Haiti.

Through I.A.M., the ministry outreach of DeWitt and Dawn Woodward, we have access to a process called “Bibles that Talk” to reach many of the 3,984,000 illiterate people in Haiti. The latest technology is incredible. On a digital chip, placed in a solar powered player, Bible portions, Bible stories, Worship music, and Bible Study Sermons can be heard and Truth can be learned by those who cannot read.

We must not shrink back from this challenge! Souls are at stake! A nation being socially, economically, politically, and spiritually flushed down the toilet of the Caribbean can become the jewel of God’s heart if we will only care enough to give our very best. We must not allow the blood of Jesus to have been shed in vain for these people. TIME IS RUNNING OUT!

The Historic First Leadership Conference is scheduled for October 28-November 6, 2006. The cost factor is $12,500.00. That is for all the needs for the conference including 2 meals a day for 5 days feeding 500 people who will attend the Leadership Conference…a total of 5,000 meals.

I only share this information because some have asked what the cost factor is for the conference. I am trusting God to supply this need through His stewards or in whatever other miraculous way He desires. Our trust is in Him. Should He speak to your heart, we will be privileged to partner with you in this effort. We will be honorable with your gifts and report back to you what great things you have helped accomplish.

Should you desire to be a “financial part” of this endeavor, please send *checks made out to:
Spirits Aflame
c/o 201 NE 8th Avenue
Ocala, Florida 34470

*Add a note :” for AbbaQuest—Haiti Project”

All of these monies serve the needs of the conference and do not include any personal expenses for the three on the Teaching Team.

Thank you for your love and please know,

Dave Toler


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