Friday, October 27, 2006


We serve the God of Angel Armies according to Isaiah 6, (Message Bible) who worship Him as Holy and conquer in His name. We too worship Him and call Him Holy. We stand in His righteousness and watch Him battle before us and because the battle is His, the victory is ours! Though we make our plans, He directs our steps.

There have been a number of delays in our getting a journal out to you since the middle of September. I am finally learning how to do this in order to relieve my very gracious son, Mike, who lives in California, who has produced the website and journal each time. His work has demanded much of him in the last two months and our schedules have not been very compatible. So he is teaching me to produce the journal each time and that will keep you in the KNOW more often. (By the way, if it looks strange or something it is because a novice is producing it today!)

Bill and Ginny Dawson and I were supposed to leave for Haiti today, (10/26/06) to begin AbbaQuest’s first Leadership Conference at the Tabernacle of Praise in Cap-Hatien. I used to Pastor the Dawsons in Leesburg, Florida, and through the years we have been close. They now reside in Newberry, South Carolina. Recently, it was obvious to me, the Lord would have me invite them help teach in this first conference in Haiti. They are well equipped and anointed for the task at hand.

Nearly 1,200 have been gathering at 5:00 o’clock each afternoon for the past couple of months to intercede for this conference. About 500, in leadership at this church of about 10,000 attendees, have been preparing to attend the conference.

Last Friday, the water well at the Church Compound went dry. Pastor Ecclesias and I determined it would be best for all concerned to postpone the conference until the water issue is settled. He is hoping to know all the particulars within a few days. At worse, it will cost about $5,000.00 U.S. for a new well to be drilled plus whatever may be needed for a new pump. The jury is still out on that issue.

Although we have been geared up for this conference and excited about what we have each felt in our Spirit God was going to accomplish, we are confident this interruption is no deterrent to God having a great victory in Haiti. We know Whom we serve. He is our confidence. We believe Father has this in His time-table and He is simply adjusting ours. We are taking the time, while we are in a holding pattern, to intensify our hearts and minds before the Lord. God is in control and we rejoice in His leadership.

Those who have sacrificed to give financially to “AbbaQuest” through “Spirits Aflame, Inc” for this venture, will be blessed many times over for your graciousness. Others are coming forward, even as I write this, to be a part of what God is doing. We do not have a large financial base here in the United States, and we do not “fleece the flock” in the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere to support us. We purely depend on the Lord to speak to your hearts about investing into this work. And when you do, it is a big thing to Barbara and me. I mean it is “large” and we never take it for granted.

Last week, the Dawsons and I attended a conference sponsored by “Mountain of Worship” in Columbia, S.C. While there, we experienced a number of prophetically gifted believers who spontaneously came to us at different times and spoke words of the Lord over us individually. They did not know us and knew nothing about what we were about to do, and every one of them were on target with their prophetic statements. Several spoke of financial abundance coming into our hands for what God is calling us to do. Randy Clark, the International Evangelist, who initiated the Toronto Blessing Revival some years ago, called Bill and I out of the crowd of nearly 900 and spoke words of Holy Commissioning and Impartation over us. Ginny was unable to be at that particular meeting.

AbbaQuest Ministries is on a collision course for the taking of Haiti by the Lord Jesus Christ and its transformation from being the scourge of the Caribbean to being the Jewel of God. We believe God has raised up Pastor Ecclesias and Tabernacle of Praise to be the foundation of a great awakening and revival in all of Haiti. These Leadership Conferences are most valuable to the teams that will be commissioned from that church to reproduce what God is doing in Cap-Hatien throughout the entire country. You who are praying for us and are financially giving to this effort are becoming a part of something that is much bigger than all of us put together. God is drawing us together in the work of His Kingdom for a time such is this. God bless each of you! We are humbled by your consideration and support.


Nov. 5th “Homecoming”
Leesburg Christian Center
Alex Holloway, Pastor
Formerly “Westside Church”
Leesburg , Florida

Rev. Mignon Coleman—Guest Speaker

Nov. 6th -10th “Norvel Hayes Conference”
At Church bldg behind Hayes Motel
Crystal River, Florida


Nov. 19th
Temple of Truth
Kannapolis, North Carolina
Rev. Garland Faw, Pastor

Remember, “There is nothing as important as the Presence of the Lord. He is all that matters. His Presence is the only thing that satisfies!.

You are appreciated.

Dave Toler


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